館際合作服務 Interlibrary Loan Service

“Physics Research Promotion Center (PRPC)” provides books and journals services in physics research field nationwide. Since 1965, we set Physics Library in R301, 3rd Floor of Physics Building, NTHU. To maximize the value of the resources of Physics Library, we build this Interlibrary Loan Service From, and help all readers countrywide obtain the E-Journals subscribed in current year by PRPC effectively and timely.

1. APS (American Physical Society) 美國物理學會電子期刊
2. AIP (American Institute of Physics) 美國物理協會電子期刊
3. OPG (Optica Publishing Group) 美國光學學學會電子期刊
4. IOP (Institute of Physics) 英國物理學會電子期刊

【服務項目 Provided Items】
The E-Journals subscribed in current year by PRPC

【服務對象 Target Groups】
All students, staff, researchers, and professors in universities and colleges nationwide.

【費用 Charges】
此項服務不收取任何費用,由國科會自然處「自然科學及永續研究圖書服務計畫 – 物理領域」全額支應。
This service takes no charges. All the expenditures are provided by Project of “Nature Science Library Service Project”, Department of National Science and Technology Council, NSTC.

【受理時間 Acceptance Time】
法定工作日 9:00 AM ~ 5:00 PM,受理申請後四小時內回覆。逾當日3:00 PM申請,將於隔日上午回覆。
We will reply you within 4 hours from 9:00 AM ~ 5:00 PM in working days. If you apply after 3:00 PM, we will reply you in the morning of next day.

【申請網址 Application URL】

【領取方式 Collect Method】
We will send the copies of the journal needed to the library affiliated with the applicant by a registered mail, and inform the applicant to collect the copies.

【注意事項 Precautions】
1. 申請電子期刊複印請務必遵守著作權法之相關規定。
Please obey related laws in copyright while applying for this service.

2. 每一使用者每日以3篇為上限。
Each user my apply for maximum 3 copies each day.

3. 如需上述未涵蓋之圖書期刊資料,亦可藉由全國文獻傳遞服務系統(NDDS)進行申請,網址如下:https://ndds.stpi.narl.org.tw/

For searching other journals in the list above, please take use of NDDS(Nationwide Document Delivery Service) service with following link.
