Invitation to attend: “The 12th X-ray Science Summer School”

Invitation to attend: “The 12th X-ray Science Summer School”

The 12th X-ray Science Summer School will be held on 18-21 July 2023 by the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center at the Holiday Sun Moon Lake Teachers Association. At the same time, the Center also offers scientific application courses on synchrotron radiation light sources in various universities (National Taiwan University, Qing University, Jiaotong University, Central Committee, Chengdu University), actively promotes the scientific application of large-scale instruments and facilities of Taiwan’s photon source, promotes related research in the field of synchrotron radiation light source in China, and actively participates in the cultivation of young domestic research talents.

This course takes the scientific research of quantum materials (including two-dimensional semiconductors) as the main axis, aiming at the difficulties encountered in the characteristic analysis of low-dimensional materials, taking TPS experimental facility technology as the analysis method, cutting into the analysis of quantum materials from three directions, such as structure, energy spectrum and image, and introducing the most cutting-edge synchrotron radiation correlation analysis and research technology.

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