Download the application process and verification related documents

Application Instructions

1. Application Process:

    1. Deadline: Due to the limited funds of the center, please submit it 6 months before the seminar and cooperate with the meeting time of the executive committee of the center (held in March and August every year).
    2. Examples of schedules:
      • 113.07.01~12.31 Funding applications must be submitted in conjunction with the Executive Committee meeting held 2014.
      • 114.01.01~06.30 Funding applications must be submitted in conjunction with the Executive Committee meeting held 2014.
    1. Fill in the application form for the Physics Research Promotion Center Grant Symposium and attach the electronic documents of the relevant application materials, send it to the by e-mail before the application deadline, and mail a paper file with the signature and seal of the unit supervisor to the center.

2. Time and method of review:

The Executive Committee will be held twice a year to review whether or not to subsidize and approve the funds will be voted by the Committee, and the subsidy will be subsidized by the highest number of votes; If the highest number of votes is the same, the subsidy will be averaged. After the meeting, a special letter will be sent to inform you of the review results.

3. Write-off and closure:

    1. The write-off of the approved funds shall be handled in accordance with the regulations of the Physics Center, and all expenses shall be reported in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Executive Yuan.
    2. In order to cooperate with the accounting audit procedures of the accounting unit (National Tsinghua University) where the Center is located and the deadline for closing the special plan, the organizer is requested to reimburse and settle the account as soon as possible within 1 month after the end of the seminar, and submit all the documents (payable to National Tsinghua University, unified number: 46804804) to the Center for funding disbursement.
    3. After the seminar is over, the organizer will pay the approved project expenses to the Physics Center as soon as possible.
    4. The organizer is required to sign the receipt and invoice to show responsibility, if the documents do not comply with the relevant regulations of each project, it will be returned.
    5. If you need to pay more than 100,000 yuan to the same manufacturer, please provide the meeting agenda and quotation (with the manufacturer’s seal) to the center 2 months before the event, and send the information of the “Consent Letter for Remittance from Outside the University/Manufacturer to the cashier formation document of Tsinghua University, so as to facilitate the scientific research procurement operation.
    6. When reimbursing the expenses, in addition to attaching the relevant reimbursement documents, the organizer should also submit the closing report of the Physics Research Promotion Center of the Department of Nature of the National Science Council to subsidize the holding of physics-related seminars in China

      to complete the verification procedure.

    7. To apply for a seminar for a research procurement project, you must fill in the Acceptance Record for acceptance.

    8. Funding Items:
        • Meals:
          • Issuance standard: 100 yuan for lunch; The domestic seminar is 250 yuan per person for half day, and 500 yuan per person for more than 1 day (inclusive).
          • Documents to be attached: consumption receipts, meeting sign-in sheets.
        • Presentation Fee:
          • Issuance standard: $2,000 per person per hour, calculated on a pro-rata basis.
          • In order to produce the receipt, please fill in the Presentation Fee Schedule as soon as possible and provide the speaker’s information.
          • Documents to be submitted: the speaker’s signed receipt, the speaker’s name, and the agenda of the start and end time of the speech.
        • Temporary Salary:
        • Accommodation Fee:
          1. Approval standard: Based on the principle of subsidizing the participants of the National Science Council plan, the daily accommodation fee subsidy is 2,000 yuan.
          2. Documents to be attached: receipts of consumption, list of dated accommodations.
        • Transportation expenses: If the seminar location is remote and difficult to reach by railway, you can apply for a transportation bus (please attach the receipt, the list of buses and indicate the starting and ending locations). If you take a taxi for official business, you should explain in detail the reason why you are unable to take the public transport, and write the amount on the receipt in Chinese characters (壹, 贰, 菰, 菖, 廰, 玖, 拾, 佰) in Chinese characters (壹, 贰, 蟒, 捌, 玖, 拾, 佰). Sample receipt for transportation expenses
        • Other items: venue decoration fee, printing fee, etc., please call after receiving the approval notice.
        • Reconciliation of funds: When writing off funds, you need to fill in the

          “Statement Detail Form”

          and send it back to the center.
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