International Symposium on Transportation and Optics for Topological Systems/TOTS 2024

International Symposium on Transportation and Optics for Topological Systems/TOTS 2024

Welcome to TOTS 2024!
In view of the rapid and significant advancement of topological systems, we are pleased to announce a three-day Topological Systems (TOTS) workshop at the Central Institute of Physics in Taipei, scheduled for June 12-14, 2024. this workshop
It is sponsored by the Taiwan Institute of Physics, the China Institute, the National Science and Technology Commission, and the National Center for Theoretical Physics.
The main goal of the TOTS Symposium is to foster international collaboration and promote interaction between researchers in Taiwan and around the world. The symposium focuses on, but is not limited to, non-reciprocal charge transport and nonlinear optical phenomena in topological systems. Throughout the three-day event, nine sessions will feature invited speakers from around the world. Comprehensive
The schedule and details of each segment can be found at the following links:
We look forward to welcoming you to this event. Poster sessions and registered abstract submissions are now open online and welcome.
TOTS 2024 Organizing Committee
-Professor. Guang-yu Guo (National Taiwan University)
– Dr. Li Weili (Institute of Physics, Chinese University)
– Dr. Xin Lin (Institute of Physics, Chinese University)
-Professor. Zhiwei Luo (National Yangming Jiaodong University)
– Dr Yujie Wen (Institute of Physics, Central University)
Important Dates
* The deadline for submission of poster abstracts is March 15, 2024
* Notification of poster acceptance: March 30, 2024
* Early bird payment deadline is April 15, 2024 Beijing time
* The deadline for online registration is May 15, 2024
* On-site registration is on June 12, 2024, Beijing time
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