Quantum Launch (World Quantum Day)

Quantum Launch (World Quantum Day)

Event Date: 14 April 2024 (Sun)
Venue: International Conference Hall, National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan (Blue Hall)
Near the entrance of Xitun Road, located at B1, enter from the entrance next to the three-dimensional theater on the first floor to the first basement floor.
Target: High school students (up to 100 students)
Registration method: two-stage registration. In the first stage, 150 students will be admitted (100 will be selected and 50 will be selected).

The registration deadline will be closed when the number of applicants reaches 150, or [2024/03/29 (Fri) 15:00] if the number of applicants is less than 150.

Admission qualifications: 100 people are being taken, 50 people are being prepared. The first 100 people who submit the form will be the first to take the form, and the next 100 people will be waitlisted. If the qualified student is unable to complete the payment before the payment deadline, the student will be notified according to the waiting order.

Fee method: Each applicant will be charged NT$200 for materials. After the activity, the participants will bring back the experimental materials.
Regarding the registration result, 3 to 5 working days after the registration deadline or the closing of the registration form, the team will send a pick-up notification to the email address provided at the time of registration.
The Notification Letter contains:
  • Payment information
  • Remittance deadline
  • A reply form (in the form, students will be asked to fill in the five digits after the activity fee is paid to the remittance account, the remittance time, and the emergency contact information).
The alternate notification letter will contain the waitlist order.
Proof of participation will not be issued.

Organizers: Taiwan Physical Society, Physics Group, Natural Science and Sustainability Research Promotion Center
Co-organizers: National Museum of Natural Science, QuBear Quantum Bear

Contact: Taiwan Physical Society, bimonthly@ps-taiwan.org
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